Every year, Stack Overflow conducts its developer survey and shares the results with the public for analysis.  Expanding the teritory, this year over 100,000 developers took part in the 30-minutes survey  and told how they learn about new technologies, which tools they use to get the job done, and what they look for while hunting some job.

Today we will be sharing the different findings of the survey about the platforms that were most commonly used by developers over the past years.

Developers Favorite Platform

When we look at this year's data, we can notice that 48.3%  developers responded with linux as the platform they have done development work for this year. It was followed by Windows Desktop & Servers with 35.4%.

The platform that follows these top two are Android, AWS, macOS, Raspberry Pi, Wordpress, and iOS.

Now you shouldn't confuse the most popular coding platform with the operating  systems preferred by developers. Where Windows still got the  heads up with about 50% of the entire share. The rest half is divided uniformly between macOS and Linux

Linux also topped the list of the most loved platforms to work for, followed by serverless infrastructure and AWS

image source:- stack-overflow

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